AI Medical Scribe: What Is It and Why Is It a Necessity?

This is how the different elements of your Rich Text Block (RTB) input work, the styles will only be applied to elements inside the RTB. Many of the styles will match other styles throughout the site, this is a way for you to decide what style to apply as you see fit.
The following are all paragraph styles, they can only be applied to the entire paragraph. You can apply the style by selecting any single word within the paragraph, you do not need to select the entire paragraph, highlighting a single word and selecting the required style will automatically apply to the entire paragraph.
This is a H1 Heading… do not use this there is already a H1 heading on the page.
This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site… This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site…
This is a H2 Heading… use this for the 2nd most important headings on the page.
This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site… This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site…
This is a H3 Heading… use this for the 3rd most important headings on the page.
This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site… This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site…
This is a H4 Heading… use this for the 4th most important headings on the page.
This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site… This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site…
This is a H5 Heading… use this for the 5th most important headings on the page.
This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site… This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site…
This is a H6 Heading… use this for the least important headings on the page.
This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site… This is a paragraph, use this for all the standard body text on the site…
This is a quote, use this for emphasis text that is inset and highlighted, such as a quote. Athelas Blood Pressure Cuff is lorem ipsum d zolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in blandit nisi. Duis ac turpis vitae lorem sodales accumsan. Integer finibus magna et nibh consectetur.
Nick Brown
This is a bullet list item, the text uses the same body style as the paragraph style, but is set as a list item with a bullet.
- Bullet list item…
- Bullet list item…
- Bullet list item…
- Bullet list item…
This is a numbered list item, the text uses the same body style as the paragraph style, but is set as a list item
- Number list item…
- Number list item…
- Number list item…
- Number list item…
The following are all character styles, they can be applied to single words or groups of words. You can apply the style by selecting any single word or words within the paragraph, the style does not apply to the entire paragraph. There are 3 character styles, Bold, Italic, Link. The link style also allows you to apply a hyperlink to an external site.
Despite going into medicine to care for patients, physicians today are too often tethered to their computers. According to PubMed, they spend nearly six hours every day on EHR and desk work, with 1.4 hours of that being spent after hours at home. Having to consistently partake in pajama time takes physicians away from spending time with their families and relaxing after what are already long days.
While the proliferation of technology has impacted the provider-patient relationship, breakthrough innovations have yet to restore the human side of healthcare between physicians and patients. Cue the AI medical scribe.
In this article we will discuss what an AI medical scribe is, the benefits of using one, and some key features to look for when purchasing one.
What is an AI Medical Scribe?
An AI medical scribe is an advanced software tool designed to assist healthcare providers in documenting their patient interactions. It records and transcribes patient interactions, formats the conversation into a concise summary, and can even automatically fill out medical forms.
Unlike a traditional human scribe, AI medical scribes leverage ambient listening and large language models to transcribe medical conversations in real-time, having them available immediately at the end of the appointment. This redirects clinicians' full attention to their patients, creates a more streamlined documentation process, and enhances the accuracy of medical records.
Benefits of an AI Medical Scribe
Increased Efficiency
AI medical scribes allow clinicians to see more patients in less time, reduce the number of notation errors, capture more information during the appointment, and automatically provide coding recommendations based on the conversation.
Reduction in Burnout
A staggering 49% of physicians said they were burnt out with 62% highlighting the number one cause as having too many bureaucratic tasks, according to a report by Medscape. Physicians' lives are already stressful enough while in the office; having to come home to hours of documentation work everyday only adds to this burnout. Utilizing an AI medical scribe practically eliminates pajama time, allowing physicians to actually relax and spend time with their families when they come home from work.
Cost Savings and Revenue Generation
Implementing an AI medical scribe can lead to both significant cost savings and an overall increase in revenue. Practices can save money on operating costs by eliminating the need for in-person scribes. Additionally, fully-featured AI medical scribes can provide coding recommendations and fill out necessary forms (such as SOAP, Denial Appeal, PHQ-9, and more) based on patient-provider conversations. This generates revenue for the practice through more accurate billing and allows physicians to see more patients throughout the day instead of spending time on documentation.
Enhanced Patient Experience
With AI medical scribes, doctors can untether themselves from the EHR and computer, and dedicate more quality facetime to their patients instead. Rather than staring at their computer screen typing down notes throughout the appointment, physicians can focus solely on the conversation, restoring the relationship that so many physicians feel technology has detracted from over the years. An AI medical scribe acts as an invisible technology working behind the scenes, creating a better experience for both patients and providers alike.
Key Features to Look for in an AI Medical Scribe
In recent years, AI medical scribes have been taking the industry by storm, but not all scribes offer the necessary tooling to truly transform your practice. When evaluating an AI medical scribe, be sure it has the following key features:
Integrations with EHRs: Seamlessly integrates with electronic health records, ensuring efficient data transfer and streamlined workflows.
Customizable Templates and Rules: Utilizes robust and naturally structured outputs leading to more complete documentation formatting. Being able to automatically turn recordings into filled out medical forms is a must.
Coding Recommendations: Automatically recommends codes to include or leave out, reducing the chance of under or overcoding.
Transcription Translation: Automatically translates conversations into different languages with support for dialects and accents to aid in breaking down barriers to healthcare.
Constantly Evolving AI: Incorporates large language models (LLMs) that continuously enhance their performance with each use to reduce denial rates and provide more accurate documentation. The overall quality of clinical notes provided should be the top priority.
Looking for an AI medical scribe that offers all of these features and more? Athelas Scribe was designed from the ground up to offer the most cutting edge tech stack available. From automated documentation to custom tailored templates/coding recommendations, Scribe sets the bar for what clinicians need in today’s fast paced healthcare landscape. Let AI handle the busy work, learn more about Athelas Scribe here.